Thursday, July 13, 2006

Help - I've got coupons everywhere!

The most important tool, after your list, is the system which you will use to manage your coupon stash. There are lots of different systems, so simply pick one that meets your needs and style and go from there. Each system has it’s advantages and disadvantages.

Some of the more popular systems include:

  • Binder system, where coupons are clipped and filed in a binder in a specific order (by category, arranged by the layout of the store, alphabetically by manufacturer, or alphabetically by product name). The advantage of this system is that it’s easy to carry, organized, and portable. The disadvantage is that until you get a system in place, it can be time consuming to file and purge.
  • Box system, similar to the binder system in that coupons are clipped and filed systematically, but filed in a box with index dividers rather than in a binder. This has the same advantages and disadvantages as the binder system, although I personally find a box more bulky to handle and easier to spill.
  • Filing by entire insert. The beauty of the list is that it tells you exactly which insert any given coupon was printed in, including the date. Many people just file complete inserts without clipping the coupons. The advantage is obviously that it saves an enormous amount of time because you only need to flip to the appropriate insert, clip the coupons, and ignore the rest. The disadvantage is that it won’t be easy to find a coupon for those unadvertised specials that you run across or any need shopping that is not on the list.

Since most people want to see a binder system in person before they start theirs, here are some examples of my binder system.

I file alphabetically by product name in 4x6 photo sleeves. I like this size because most coupons fit into it without folding, although some people prefer baseball card dividers (I find those too small). I used to keep my binder arranged by the layout of the store, but since I shop at three different stores, it’s not the most convenient system. Also, I always pull my coupons before I go to the store, so the layout doesn’t really matter.

I like a zippered binder – again, less chance of spilling. I have a zippered pouch in the back for things like pens, calculator, and my lists.

The front of my binder has an alphabetical list of all of my categories in a page protector.

I also use alphabetical tabs for each section to make it easy to flip to that section of my binder. Behind each tab, are the coupons for that letter of the alphabet. I use a 4x6 index card in each section of the photo sleeve so that it makes it neater and I see only the page that is on top rather than all pages.


At August 12, 2006 12:40 PM, Blogger Stephanie Jedlicka said...

This is SO helpful, thank you!!

At August 21, 2006 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Share your abc list with us? I like this idea!

At January 25, 2007 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to see your list of categories. My binder isn't working for me and I think it's because of my category choices...

At January 28, 2007 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks so much for posting this! Extremely helpful!!

At July 02, 2007 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much. Where did you find your sleeves?


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